

Women's Day is commemorated, for those women who fought for their equality, for their freedom, women who were great because thanks to them the women of this time can study, work and vote.

such simple things but that were denied, for thinking that women did not have enough strength, intelligence or simply because men were more than women...

Thanks to those 120 women and more who fought for equality, they did not leave in magnificence but they did contribute to women in their freedom and their walk, giving us a more laborious path and with less pain, the path has not ended for women. she continues to fight, for the men who think of her "machismo" without caring, but the woman will no longer back down because she has forged a path that she will follow.

luchando por esta igualdad y

 cero humillación a la mujer. }

= este link es de el poster pero no tiene nada que ver de la mujer...

= segundo link de el video: MUJER 

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